
folded the child in his arms

Not unless we are rich; and we are very poor at our house; but when the expressman brings the money for the pictures we are very glad. Then we have a good dinner. Last time Granny got a dress, and I got several suits like this one. Mother says some day we may go away off to another country where I’ll have children to play with. I think that would be nicer than having toys.”

Yes, yes,” Galt responded, from the depths of a new and rasping remorse, as the boy reclined on his arm and stretched out with a delicious sigh.

You said you liked me,” the child said, quite seriously, but you never have kissed me—not once.”

But men don’t kiss little boys,” Galt answered, with a start.

Oh, yes they do; Doctor Wynn has often kissed me, and hugged me, so!” Lionel put his arms round Galt’s neck, pressed his soft, warm cheek against the cold, rough one, and kissed it, once, twice, three times.

And I’ve seen Mr. Weston kiss Grover when he runs to meet him at the gate.”

We’ve known each other such a short time,” Galt apologized, lamely, as the hot blood coursed through his veins, and the child released him and lay staring at him from his great, reproachful eyes reenex .

I don’t care, you’d kiss me if you loved me as—as much as I do you. Won’t you, just one time? Then I’ll go.”

Yes, I’ll kiss you—there!” Galt said, as he folded the child in his arms and pressed his lips to the warm, pink brow.

I had to make you!” Lionel said, as he stood down on the floor. That is the way I do when my mother is angry. I keep begging her to kiss me till she does; then she laughs and hugs me tighter than ever. Granny says I know how to manage a woman. Good-bye. I thank you for bringing me to your house. Now I am sure you like little boys reenex facial .”

After the child had gone, Galt walked up and down the veranda, his mind upon problems he had never faced before. He was interrupted by General Sylvester, who hurried across the lawn to speak to him on his way down-town.

I’ve only a bare minute,” the old gentleman said. I suppose you know we are off for New York. You’d better come along and help us have a good time summer internship

Posted by Turn and look back on the second cross at 13:03Comments(0)


Where do you suppose

Harry Ware struck another match. This time the two imprisoned lads did not bother to look above them. They knew that escape in that direction was an impossibility. Instead, they turned their attention to their immediate surroundings .
Suddenly Percy Simmons gave a cry of triumph.
Look! See there, Hardware, old boy, isn’t that a crack or fissure in the rock?”
Sure enough,” responded his companion, who had just time to notice the crack in the rock wall of their prison before the light of the match died out.
Maybe we can get out that way,” sputtered[150] Persimmons, all agog at the thought that a means of escape had been opened to them.
Perhaps we can, but it looks pretty narrow,” responded Hardware dubiously. Anyhow, it’s worth trying. Strike another match and we’ll have a good look at it .”
A second inspection showed the boys that the fissure, though narrow, was sufficiently wide for them to squeeze into in all probability. Although in the event that it grew smaller further on, they would be as badly off as before. Still, as Harry Ware had said, it was worth trying, and the two boys clambered off the body of the unfortunate pony and began forcing their way into the fissure. Harry Ware went first and Percy Simmons, who was stouter, followed close behind.
For a distance of some five feet they managed to forge ahead. But suddenly Persimmons gave a grunt.
I’m stuck, Harry, I can’t get any further.”
Too bad; I guess we’ll have to turn back,” Hardware started to say, when he gave a cry of delight.
It’s all right. It broadens out beyond here. Come on, Percy, you can squeeze through alright.”
I’ll try,” declared the stouter of the two youths valiantly, and, with a violent effort, he forced himself forward. It cost him almost all the breath in his body, but he succeeded in passing the narrow place and then found himself beside his companion in what appeared to be a much larger space beyond. Another match was struck which revealed the place into which they had forced their way as a circular cave with a dome-like roof from which water dripped in a constant shower.
It was cold and damp and the boys shuddered as the water, which was icy cold, pattered about them as if a violent rainstorm was in progress
Ugh! What sort of a place have we landed in[152] now, I’d like to know,” muttered Percy Simmons. Shivering snakes, it’s like a Cave of the Rains, or something of that kind.”
That’s so. We can’t stay here; it’s like being in a damp ice box. We must find some way out.”
Where do you suppose we are, anyhow?”  

Posted by Turn and look back on the second cross at 13:20Comments(0)


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Turn and look back on the second cross